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Our Darker Purpose

On NarrationOn EdgewoodOn CordyOn the Disappearance
On the Naming of SpidersOn HallwaysOn DiscretionSome Harmless Markings
On TraditionsOn Obsolete OperatorsOn Desks and the Great Surface
On SilenceFrothy the DragonPart TwoOn Potato Politics
A Cauldron of YesterdayersOn ReacquaintancesOn Fortress Woundwort
On Void Closets and Friendships PastOn DreamsOn Theories
The Friendly FootstoolsOn InterruptionsCyndar's TimekeeperOn Endurance

  The finale of part two of Avidly Wild Games' Our Darker Purpose is at hand! Goneril and Cordelia will face off, and only one of them is getting out alive. Also, too, it's likely that it's not going to end quite the way you may think. After all, this is Edgewood, and Edgewood is not known for its upbeat endings.

  Within the bully:


Victory (For Now):

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