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Our Darker Purpose
Some Harmless Markings

On NarrationOn EdgewoodOn CordyOn the Disappearance
On the Naming of SpidersOn HallwaysOn Discretion • Some Harmless Markings
On TraditionsOn Obsolete OperatorsOn Desks and the Great Surface
On SilenceFrothy the DragonPart TwoOn Potato Politics
A Cauldron of YesterdayersOn ReacquaintancesOn Fortress Woundwort
On Void Closets and Friendships PastOn DreamsOn Theories
The Friendly FootstoolsOn InterruptionsCyndar's TimekeeperOn Endurance

  It is a well known fact that, if you like aggressive stick figures, you'll love Avidly Wild Games's Our Darker Purpose.Okay, maybe "fact" isn't the word for it, but I firmly believe that if you don't like the game you are a terrible person with bad manners and worse hygiene.

  Why don't you try this on for size first:

  Then go for this with the paragraph beginning with "At least until a noose..."

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