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  We spend time wandering in a bit of a daze through the fire-ravaged hotel, taking time to wonder where it all went wrong.

  Oh, wait. It was the whole wife-murder thing. That’s where it all went wrong.

  This episode contains a brief evaluation of the two very distinct versions of James that the game clearly wants to juggle. It then begins the process of showing why that’s not such a good idea, all things considered. Also features the final scene of Angela and the Antagonist(s), the former being a sorrowful conclusion to a character we barely got to know, while the latter is a goofy circle-strafe-athon before the baddies get bored with us and kill themselves for reasons.

  So, yeah… another light-hearted episode!

  (There are some technical glitches in the video, all frames-per-second related. I apologize for this. I tried to fix them without going back and re-recording, but nothing seems to work. As such, I hope you can live with them; re-recording would basically require me to build an entirely new episode, and that would most likely result in me quitting at this point.)

(Feel free to bump up the video quality into GLORIOUS HD; I know that anything under 720 is a bit on the muddy, pixel-y side)

Northwoods   Washed Hands   Buy Improbables at Amazon.com.

Slash Cover   Curtains Cover


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