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  James has slogged through dirty apartments, a grimy hospital, a filthy prison, a hotel with about a 2.5 star rating, and a crappier version of that same hotel in a desperate search for his dead wife. He has killed a man and watched a woman ascend into her personal hell. Still he endures. It all comes down to this—the final psychological hang up that can no doubt be reasoned with. And by “reasoned with”, I mean “shot repeatedly in the face”. You see, this particular neurosis is represented by a fairly goofy (but also fairly stabby) manifestation, and what better way to deal with that than with good ol’ violence?

  The only thing standing between James and the legitimate, 100% irrefutable conclusion of Silent Hill 2 is the fact that there are six endings, a third of which are actually decent enough to be considered worthwhile. But we’ll talk about what works and what doesn’t, for that is my solemn mission!

  It’s the penultimate traipsing, and you’re along for the ride!

(Feel free to bump up the video quality into GLORIOUS HD; I know that anything under 720 is a bit on the muddy, pixel-y side)

Northwoods   Washed Hands   Buy Improbables at Amazon.com.

Slash Cover   Curtains Cover


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