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  We start today’s episode in the bottom of the well, but things quickly start looking up. Well, not really, but we find our way out and end up getting assaulted by icky bugs. After that, we fall through a hole and into a prison, because Silent Hill no longer wants to obey the laws of time and space. I don’t mind much; this is pretty much the point in the game where things really start coming together in terms of overall cohesion and quality of storytelling. It’s pretty awesome.

  Also featuring Eddie as a man who does not know what a joke is, but pretends to anyway. It ends poorly.

(Feel free to bump up the video quality into GLORIOUS HD; I know that anything under 720 is a bit on the muddy, pixel-y side)

Northwoods   Washed Hands   Buy Improbables at Amazon.com.

Slash Cover   Curtains Cover


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