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Our Darker Purpose
On Potato Politics

On NarrationOn EdgewoodOn CordyOn the Disappearance
On the Naming of SpidersOn HallwaysOn DiscretionSome Harmless Markings
On TraditionsOn Obsolete OperatorsOn Desks and the Great Surface
On SilenceFrothy the DragonPart Two • On Potato Politics
A Cauldron of YesterdayersOn ReacquaintancesOn Fortress Woundwort
On Void Closets and Friendships PastOn DreamsOn Theories
The Friendly FootstoolsOn InterruptionsCyndar's TimekeeperOn Endurance

  Avidly Wild Games will see you witness a multitude of conversations on the floors that you travel. The classrooms have their talking desks. The kitchens have their sacks of potatoes. Each have their own personalities and particular quirks. While the desks are full of general ennui about lost potential and the children they favor, the potatoes tend to find themselves in affairs more... courtly, in a manner of speaking.

  Music for those of you who like moods and stuff to be affected by sounds and stuff:

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